Mary Kwiatkowski: Ready to Build Strong Relationships

September 15, 2016
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Over nearly two decades in occupational medicine, wellness, sales management, biometrics and data analytics, Mary Kwiatkowski’s mission has been to bring the latest healthcare trends to customers.

At ADURO, we’re creating our own trend — improving Human Performance for individuals and organizations. And as our new Director of Consultant Relations, Kwiatkowski’s expertise will help accelerate our mission of making Human Performance programs accessible to everyone.

“When I first met Darren White about three years ago, it was clear that he was sincerely concerned about the well-being of the people ADURO serves,” Kwiatkowski said. “Of course, every company says, ‘We care about our customers.’ But Darren’s perspective is unique among CEOs I’ve met —for him, well-being is just as important as business objectives. I wanted to be a part of that.”

She got her chance when a position in perfect alignment with her skills opened up recently.

“I’m excited to bring my experience cultivating relationships and apply it in a new direction as we work on our strategy,” Kwiatkowski said. “As one of the true ‘well-being’ companies, one that focuses on a person’s entire life journey instead of just wellness, ADURO can shape the course of the industry over the next few years.”

Kwiatkowski is looking forward to integrating a “shoulder-to-shoulder” philosophy with the team, always ready to adapt and grow. It’s an approach that has served her well, both professionally and when it comes to her signature dance move (dancing is something we’re big on at ADURO).

“You just need to go with the flow and adapt to whatever song comes on,” Kwiatkowski said. “Sometimes you get a slow song, or a country song, and you have to be ready. When you’re flexible and open to change, you’ll have a move for everything life gives you.”

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